Be Surprised! God surprises us in many ways.
A question for the New Year … as you think over the past year,
do you recall moments of loneliness? How did this loneliness affect you? How
did you react?
Loneliness is a worldwide problem which has, over the past decade, impacted and affected many people throughout the world. A number of books and articles have been written revealing the ways in which people and governments are trying to handle these loneliness situations that are playing havoc with people’s health, mental well-being and relationships. There are even agencies set up whereby you can pay up to $50 an hour for a ‘friend’ to go shopping with you or to have a coffee with.
Whatever the cause of loneliness for the Christian, the cure is always the same – the comforting fellowship of Christ. The loving relationship we have with our Master reassures and encourages us. He is the Friend who: sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24), the one who lays down His life for His friends (John 15:13-15), and the one who has promised never to leave us or forsake us but to be with us until the end of the age, (Matthew 28:20).
This friendship is an amazing blessing, a blessing we want to share with others. We want to make a difference in this lonely world. Ask the Lord this New Year to show you the lonely people in your family, your neighbourhood, your workplace, your church, or when you travel.
Pray that as you look around you will see the lonely people, you will hear their silent pleas for company and know that God has brought you alongside for His purposes. Maybe that is to invite them to join your KYB group or begin a new group.
If you are reading these few words and you are not in a KYB group, enquire today. God surprises us in so many ways. Meeting with women around His Word and praying together, not only cures loneliness but gives us special prayer support through times of discouragement and difficult circumstances.
BUT most of all you will be surprised at God’s love for you. You will be amazed at the warmth, the strength, the peace and joy you will experience as you serve Him.
“May the Lord make your love for each other and for everyone else grow by leaps and bounds. This is how our love for you has grown. And when our Lord comes with all His people, I pray He will make your hearts pure and innocent in the sight of God.” 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13